Peter King and his ilk defy reason
When they call the Times "guilty of treason." They'd imprison some press
And they'd stifle the rest,
Cause the truth for such men has no season.
From the Times we know Bush likes to sift
Through our bank records managed by SWIFT.
Court subpoenas? Ho! Ho!
Any safeguards? Heck, no!
Yet again, precious privacy's stiffed.
George Bush and his GOP cronies
Broke FEMA, it's true, no baloney.
Says the Senate, replace it.
The next time we'll ace it.
Methinks that their scheme's rather phoney.
There once was a fellow named Frist,
Who quite loudly the seaport sale dissed.
Frist has now changed his tune:
The Dubai deal's a boon.
I guess Karl has Frist's balls in a twist.
A State-Run Firm Based In Dubai By Madeleine Begun Kane
A state-run firm based in Dubai,
Is well known for its terrorist tie.
Yet George Dubya exhorts:
Give them keys to our ports.
It's a plan even Fristy won't buy.
When I heard that President Bush was still refusing to raise taxes
or change his death-to-the-death-tax position, I figured Bush was planning to fund the Gulf Coast region's astronomical recovery costs with Monopoly money. But apparently, Bush has an even better idea:
slash domestic programs that have already been cut to the bone. And that, of course, brings me to today's limerick:
Rebuilder-in-Chief By Madeleine Begun Kane
George Bush said he'll Gulf Coast rebuild
In a speech that was platitude filled.
And he'll do it with cash
From fine programs he'll slash.
And for that, we're supposed to be thrilled?
Before I get to my limericks. I want to congratulate my good pal Skippy for getting his Skippy Challengementioned on CNN. What's the Skippy Challenge? It's a Katrina relief drive in which Skippy
urges political bloggers to donate to the Red Cross (or any other charity) any dollar amount plus 1 cent "to let everyone know that the donations came from blogtopia." I just contributed $200.01 to the Red Cross and I hope you'll make a donation too.
And now it's time for my FEMA limericks:
The FEMA Head Michael D. Brown By Madeleine Begun Kane
The FEMA head Michael D. Brown
Helped cause thousands to suffer and drown.
Now he's dodging the blame.
Who's at fault? Val'rie Plame?
Let's throw Dubya and Brown out of town.
Bush Is Fond Of Political Hacks By Madeleine Begun Kane
Bush is fond of political hacks.
He don't care what credentials they lack.
When they crim'nally flop,
He congrats them nonstop.
While Rove launches a fall guy attack.
Some Say That George Bush Should Brown Fire By Madeleine Begun Kane
Some say that George Bush should Brown fire,
For his failures at FEMA quite dire.
But that's not how it works
When your Prez is a jerk.
I'll bet Dubya gives Brown a post higher.